Friday night Racing Series

The Friday Night Racing Series for 2025 will consist of 11 races spanning from January 10th  2025 through March 28th 2025. Only the Friday Night Races will be considered. In order for a class to eligible for an award, it must have run a minimum of 8 times throughout the Winter Season. Drivers will be allowed 3 drops from their results to arrive at a maximum amount of points. We’ll award the top three drivers from each of the eligible classes. Points will be awarded as follows:


Points Setup


  • 2 points will be awarded for the Top Qualifier in each Class.
  • 100 points will be awarded to the winner of each A-Main.
  • 97 points will be award to the second place finisher and decrease by a single point for each subsequent position.
  • A 10 point bonus will be awarded to each driver that attends 10 races.
  • Ties will be decided by most finishes in highest position as determined by LiveRC